Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately
Spacious and durable, the VALEA SUPER SINGLE UNDERMOUNT KITCHEN SINK is designed for hardworking kitchens. Beautifully designed with a gentle shape that is comfortable and practical, the VALEA brings long-lasting style into the kitchen. Made of SILGRANIT¨, VALEA kitchen sinks are engineered to withstand heavy cookware and hot bakeware. Silgranit sinks are not only strong but also beautiful, available in a range of nature-inspired colors that effortlessly complement the latest kitchen trends. Combine the VALEA sink with a BLANCO faucet and accessories to create a BLANCO UNIT; a seamlessly integrated kitchen solution designed to transform kitchen chores into joyful experiences. Everything you need to drink, prep and clean, all in one place.
- SILGRANIT is made of quartz sand, the hardest element of natural granite making it long lasting and durable
- Easy-to-clean low maintenance material has a non-porous, smooth stone surface
- Effortlessly remove scuff marks from utensils and stains from food and drinks
- Undermount installation creates a seamless design that prevents dirt or grime from building up around the rim
- Optional accessories include grid (item #230966), cutting board (item #230972) and decorative drain cover (item #517666)
- Basket strainer sold separately